# Verb meaning Role frame No. Verb forms Microroles
43 COVER A covers P (with X) 11 coverer, covered thing, cover, cover-beneficiary, cover causer, cover instrument
44 FILL A fills P (with X) 11 filler, filled container, filling material, fill causer, fill beneficiary
45 LOAD A loads T (onto L) 10 loader, loaded thing, loading place, load beneficiary, load causer
40 TIE A ties P (to L) (with I) 10 tier, tied thing, tying goal, tying instrument, tie beneficiary, tie causer
42 POUR A pours T somewhere (L) 10 pourer, poured substance, pouring goal, pouring source, pour beneficiary, pour causer
41 PUT A puts T somewhere (L) 15 putter, put thing, putting goal, put beneficiary, put causer
39 THROW A throws T somewhere (L) 10 thrower, thrown thing, throwing goal, throw beneficiary, throw causer
75 BRING A brings T to R 10 bringer, brought thing, bringing recipient, bring causer, bringing instrument
38 CARRY A carries T (to X) 10 carrier, carried thing, carrying goal, carry beneficiary, carry instrument, carry causer
37 SEND A sends T (to X) 10 sender, sent thing, sending recipient, send causer
36 GIVE A gives T to R 12 giver, gift, giving recipient, give causer
35 SHOW A shows T (to R) 10 shower, shown thing, showing addressee, show causer
76 STEAL A steals T (from X) 10 stealer, stolen thing, stealing source, steal causer, stealing source 2
34 HIDE A hides T (from X) 10 hider, hidden thing, hiding affectee, hide causer, hiding beneficiary, hiding instrument, hiding place
32 TEAR A tears P (from X) 11 tearer, torn thing, tearing source, tear causer, tear instrument, tearing place
72 WIPE A wipes T (off X) 11 wiper, wiped material, wiping surface, wipe beneficiary, wipe causer, wipe goal, wipe instrument
30 CUT A cuts P (with I) 11 cutter, cut thing, cutting instrument, cut beneficiary, cutting causer, cutting goal/place
29 TOUCH A touches P (with I) 12 toucher, touchee, touching instrument, touch causer
28 HIT A hits P (with I) 10 hitter, hittee, hitting instrument, hit causer, hit location
27 BEAT A beats P (with I) 10 beater, beatee, beating instrument, beat beneficiary, beat causer
26 KILL A kills P (with I) 16 killer, killee, killing instrument, killing beneficiary, kill causer
25 BREAK A breaks P (with I) 10 breaker, broken thing, breaking instrument, break maleficiary, break causer, break location
23 NAME A name X (a) Y 12 namer, namee, name, name/say addressee, name causer
22 SAY A says “...”( to X) 11 sayer, saying addressee, said content, say causer
21 TELL A tells (X) Y 10 teller, tellee, told content, tell causer
19 ASK FOR A asks (X) for Y 10 asker, askee, requested thing, ask for causer
18 TALK A talks (to X) (about Y) 11 talker, talked to person, talked about content, talk causer
9 KNOW A knows P 10 knower, known thing/person, know causer
91 REMEMBER A remembers X 1 rememberer, remembered thing
4 SEE E sees M 10 seeer, seen entity, see causer
3 LOOK AT A looks at P 11 looker, looked at entity, look instrument, look causer, look beneficiary
7 FRIGHTEN A frightens P 11 frightener, frightenee, frighten beneficiary, frightening thing/instr., scare causer
6 FEAR E fears M 12 fearer, fear stimulus, fear causer
8 LIKE E likes M 15 liker, liked entity, like causer
93 HUNT (FOR) X hunts (for) Y 1 hunter, hunted thing, hunt causer
17 MEET A meets X 10 meeter, met person, meet causer, meet location, met obstacle/thing
16 FOLLOW A follows X 12 follower, followee, follow instrument, follow beneficiary, follow causer
15 HELP A helps X 11 helper, helpee, help causer
1 EAT A eats P 11 eater, eaten food, eating instrument, eat beneficiary, eat causer/feeder, eat location
12 WASH A washes P 11 washer, washed entity, washing instrument, wash beneficiary, wash causer, wash location
47 COUGH S coughs 9 cougher, cough causer, coughed at person/bodypart, cough origin, coughed up thing
48 CLIMB A climbs (up L) 11 climber, climbing goal, climb beneficiary, climb causer, climb instrument
51 SIT DOWN S sits down (somewhere (L)) 11 sitdowner, sitting-down place, sit down causer
49 RUN A runs 10 runner, running place, run causer, run goal, run from source, run distance, running opponent
52 JUMP A jumps 11 jumper, jump beneficiary, jump causer, jump instrument, jump location, jumped over (obstacle)
97 COME (1) S comes 0 comming person
53 SING S sings 10 singer, song, sing causer, sung-to person
56 LIVE S lives somewhere (L) 12 liver, living place, live causer, life
81 APPEAR S appears 6 appearer, appear beneficiary, appear causer, appear location
61 DIE S dies 12 dieer, killer/death causer, cause of death, dying location
84 FALL S falls 8 fallee, fall causer, fall instrument, fall goal, fall source
60 FEEL COLD S is cold 11 freezing person, feeling cold locus, chill causer
64 BE HUNGRY E is hungry 15 hungry person, hunger causer
69 RAIN (it) rains 10 rain, rain goal, rain causer, rain source
86 GET R gets T (from X) 6 receiver, received thing, receiving source, receive causer
83 CRY S cries 6 crier, cried after/for person, cry causer
85 MAKE A makes P (out of X) 7 maker, made thing, making material, make beneficiary, make causer, make location
10 THINK A thinks about X 11 thinker, thought content, think beneficiary, think causer, thought (abstract)
11 SEARCH FOR A searches for X 11 searcher, searched for thing, search beneficiary, search causer, searched entity, search location, search instrument
2 HUG A hugs P 9 hugger, huggee, hug causer
59 FEEL PAIN E feels pain in M 12 pain-feeler, pain locus, pain causer
63 BE SAD E is sad 12 sad person, sadness causer, saddening thing
82 BE ILL S is sick 7 sick person, sickness causer, affliction/disease, sickness locus
68 BE DRY S is dry 9 dry thing, drier / dry causer
57 LAUGH S laughs 10 laugher, laughed-about thing, laugh causer, laugh
67 BURN S burns 11 burnt thing, burner, fire
46 BLINK S blinks 7 blinker, blink causer, winked at person, eye
70 BE A HUNTER S is a hunter 8 specialist/hunter
31 TAKE A takes P (from X) 12 taker, taken thing, taking source, take causer, taken from place, take to goal
73 DIG A digs (for X) 11 digger, dug up thing, digging instrument, dig beneficiary, dig causer, digging place, dug hole/ground
33 PEEL A peels (X off) P 10 peeler, peeled object, peel, peel beneficiary, peel causer, peel instrument
71 GRIND A grinds P (with I) 10 grinder, ground thing, grinding instrument, grind beneficiary, grind causer, grinding location
14 SHAVE (a body part/person) A shaves (his beard/hair) 9 shaver (of body part), shaved body part, shaving instrument, shave causer, shaved person, shave beneficiary
74 PUSH A pushes P (somewhere (L)) 12 pusher, pushee, pushing goal, push beneficiary, push instrument, push causer
54 GO S goes somewhere (L) 10 goer, going goal, go causer, gone with thing
65 ROLL A rolls 9 rolling entity, roller, rolling location, roll causer, rolling goal
77 TEACH A teaches R T 11 teacher, teachee, taught content, teach causer
58 SCREAM S screams 10 screamer, scream causer, screamed at person, screamed content
79 COOK A cooks P 10 cooker, cooked food, cooking instrument, cook causer, cook beneficiary
78 HEAR E hears M 11 hearer, heard sound, hear instrument, hear causer
87 WANT A wants X 4 wanter, wanted thing, want beneficiary, want causer
66 SINK S sinks 9 sunken entity, sink-(caus)er, sink location
80 BOIL S boils 7 boiled thing, boiler
5 SMELL E smells M 10 smeller, smelled entity, smell causer
13 DRESS A dresses P 11 dresser, dressee, clothes, dress causer
20 SHOUT AT A shouts at X 13 shouter, shoutee, shout causer, shouted words
24 BUILD A builds P (out of X) 11 builder, built thing, building material, build beneficiary, build causer, building location
50 SIT S sits somewhere (L) 9 sitter, sitting place, sit causer
55 LEAVE A left L 13 leaver, left place/person, leaving goal, leave causer
62 PLAY S plays 10 player, playing partner, musical instrument, play causer, toy, play location, game
88 CLOSE A closes P 0 closer, closed thing, closing instrument
90 CLEAN A cleans P 1 cleaner, cleaned thing, cleaned away material, cleaning causer
89 REFUSE X refuses Y Z 0 refuser, refusee, refused thing
90 SPEAK X speaks 0 speaker, spoken to person
91 BE COLD X is cold 1 cold thing
92 TWINKLE X twinkle 0 twinkler
94 CHASE X chases Y (from somewhere) 0 chaser, chasee, chasing location
96 MARRY X marries Y 0 marrying person, married person, marry causer
97 READ X reads Y 0 reader, read thing
99 OFFER X offers Y to Z 0 offerer, offering, offered to person
100 ASK (about) X asks Y about Z 0 asking (about) person, asked (about) thing, askee (about)
101 CRAM X crams Y into Z 0 cramer, crammed thing, crammed location
102 DO X does Y 0 doer, done thing
103 CROSS X crosses Y 0 crosser, crossed place
104 GIVE BIRTH X gives birth to Y 0 birth giver, born entity
105 ENTER X enters somewhere 0 enterer, entered place
106 REST X rests 0 resting person
108 DRINK X drinks Y 2 drinking person, drunken thing
90 FEEL SLEEPY E feels sleepy 1 sleepy head
91 DREAM E dreams 1 dreamer, dream(t-of thing)
92 FEEL SICK E feels sick 1 sick feeling person
93 PROPOSE (a marriage) A proposes to M 1 proposer, proposed to person
95 CAPSIZE S capsizes 1 capsizing entity, capsizing causer
96 STUMBLE S stumbles 1 stumbling person
97 SAY (impersonal) S says somewhere (L) 1 sayer (quotation), source of quotation, said thing (quotation)
98 MAKE ONE'S PRESENCE KNOWN S makes one's presence known 1 presence known maker
99 BE NEEDED S is needed 1 needee
91 ASSASSINATE A assassinates P 2 assassin, assassinee, assassination instrument, assassination causer
116 COME A comes (to L) 0 comer, coming goal
89 GET (= obtain) A gets P 0 obtainer, obtained thing
109 ASK (a question) A asks R Q 0 Q asker, Q asked person, Q
100 DROWN S drowns 1 drowned thing/person
110 LEARN A learns P 0 learner, learned thing
111 CALL A calls P 0 caller, called to/for person
112 COME (2) A comes (from/to L) 1 coming person/thing, come source, come goal, come causer
113 BE A DRESS X is a dress 0 dress/clothing, dresser
111 REMAIN A remains in L 0 remainer, remaining place
113 WINK A winks at X 1 winker, winkee
114 LONG FOR A longs for P 1 longer, longed for person/thing
115 DRIVE OUT A drives P out 1 out driver, driven out thing/person
116 BURN (tr) A burns P 3 burner (tr), burnt thing (tr), burn instrument (tr), burn causer (tr)
117 MAKE HUNGRY M makes E hungry 0 hungry person (tr), hunger causer (tr)
118 MAKE SICK M makes E sick 0 sick person (tr), sickness causer (tr)
119 DRY A dries P 0 drier (tr), dry thing (tr)
120 MAKE APPEAR A makes P appear 0 appearer (tr), appear causer (tr)
121 FELL A fells P 0 feller, fellee
122 DROP A drops P 0 dropper, dropped thing
123 SEAT A seats P (somewhere L) 0 seater, seatee, seating place
124 MAKE RUN A makes P run 0 run causer (tr), runner (tr)
125 SINK (tr) A sinks P 3 sink-(caus)er (tr), sunken entity (tr), sinking instrument, sinking causer (tr)
126 BOIL (tr) A boils P 4 boiler (tr), boiled thing (tr), boiling causer (tr), boiling beneficiary (tr)
128 ROLL (tr) A rolls P 2 roller (tr), rolling thing (tr), rolling goal (tr), rolling location (tr), roll causer (tr)
129 DESERVE A deserves P 1 deserver, deserved thing
130 BE BURDENED A is burdened with P 2 burdened person, burden
131 HAVE AN INTUITION A has the intiontion that P 1 intuition haver, intuition topic
132 BE GLAD A is glad. 1 gladdened entity
133 GO WELL T goes well for E 1 well going entity, well going beneficiary
134 SETTLE A settles in L 1 settler, settling place
135 GET EXCITED A got excited 1 excited entity
136 BE FAR FROM THE TRUTH A is far from the truth 1 untrue entity
137 MAKE CLIMB C makes A climb L 0 climb maker, make climbing entity, make climbing goal
138 HURT A hurts X 0 hurter, hurt locus
140 BE NAMED S is named X 0 name carrier, name (intr.)
141 LAUGH ABOUT A laughs about X 0 laugher (tr.), laughed-about thing (tr.)
142 BE SAD ABOUT E is sad about S 1 sad person (about), sad about thing
143 CRY ABOUT A cries about X 0 crying person, cryed about thing
144 COUGH AT A coughs at P 0 coughing person, coughed at entity
145 JUMP OVER A jumps over X 0 jumping person, jumped over entity
146 BE BRIGHT S is bright 0 bright entity, causer of brightness
147 LISTEN E listens to M. 0 listener, listened to sound, listening causer
148 GET DRESSED S gets gressed. 0 getting dressed person, get dressed causer
150 SHAVE (self) A shaves P 1 shaver (of self), shaving instrument (for self), shave (self) causer, shave (self) body part
151 LIGHT 1
157 OPEN 1
158 REGRET 1