Microrole Verb meaning
eater EAT
eaten food EAT
hugger HUG
huggee HUG
looker LOOK AT
looked at entity LOOK AT
seeer SEE
seen entity SEE
smeller SMELL
smelled entity SMELL
fearer FEAR
fear stimulus FEAR
frightener FRIGHTEN
frightenee FRIGHTEN
liker LIKE
liked entity LIKE
knower KNOW
known thing/person KNOW
thinker THINK
thought content THINK
searcher SEARCH FOR
searched for thing SEARCH FOR
washer WASH
washed entity WASH
dresser DRESS
dressee DRESS
shaver (of body part) SHAVE (a body part/person)
shaved body part SHAVE (a body part/person)
helper HELP
helpee HELP
follower FOLLOW
followee FOLLOW
meeter MEET
met person MEET
talker TALK
talked to person TALK
talked about content TALK
asker ASK FOR
askee ASK FOR
requested thing ASK FOR
shouter SHOUT AT
shoutee SHOUT AT
teller TELL
tellee TELL
told content TELL
sayer SAY
saying addressee SAY
said content SAY
namer NAME
namee NAME
name NAME
builder BUILD
built thing BUILD
building material BUILD
breaker BREAK
broken thing BREAK
breaking instrument BREAK
killer KILL
killee KILL
killing instrument KILL
beater BEAT
beatee BEAT
beating instrument BEAT
hitter HIT
hittee HIT
hitting instrument HIT
toucher TOUCH
touchee TOUCH
touching instrument TOUCH
cutter CUT
cut thing CUT
cutting instrument CUT
taker TAKE
taken thing TAKE
taking source TAKE
tearer TEAR
torn thing TEAR
tearing source TEAR
peeler PEEL
peeled object PEEL
peel PEEL
hider HIDE
hidden thing HIDE
hiding affectee HIDE
shower SHOW
shown thing SHOW
showing addressee SHOW
giver GIVE
gift GIVE
giving recipient GIVE
sender SEND
sent thing SEND
sending recipient SEND
carrier CARRY
carried thing CARRY
carrying goal CARRY
thrower THROW
thrown thing THROW
throwing goal THROW
tier TIE
tied thing TIE
tying goal TIE
tying instrument TIE
putter PUT
put thing PUT
putting goal PUT
pourer POUR
poured substance POUR
pouring goal POUR
coverer COVER
covered thing COVER
cover COVER
filler FILL
filled container FILL
filling material FILL
loader LOAD
loaded thing LOAD
loading place LOAD
blinker BLINK
cougher COUGH
climber CLIMB
climbing goal CLIMB
runner RUN
sitter SIT
sitting place SIT
sitdowner SIT DOWN
sitting-down place SIT DOWN
jumper JUMP
singer SING
goer GO
going goal GO
leaver LEAVE
left place/person LEAVE
liver LIVE
living place LIVE
laugher LAUGH
screamer SCREAM
pain-feeler FEEL PAIN
pain locus FEEL PAIN
freezing person FEEL COLD
feeling cold locus FEEL COLD
dieer DIE
player PLAY
sad person BE SAD
hungry person BE HUNGRY
rolling entity ROLL
sunken entity SINK
burnt thing BURN
dry thing BE DRY
rain RAIN
specialist/hunter BE A HUNTER
grinder GRIND
ground thing GRIND
grinding instrument GRIND
wiper WIPE
wiped material WIPE
wiping surface WIPE
digger DIG
dug up thing DIG
pusher PUSH
pushee PUSH
pushing goal PUSH
bringer BRING
brought thing BRING
bringing recipient BRING
stealer STEAL
stolen thing STEAL
stealing source STEAL
teacher TEACH
teachee TEACH
taught content TEACH
hearer HEAR
heard sound HEAR
cooker COOK
cooked food COOK
boiled thing BOIL
appearer APPEAR
sick person BE ILL
crier CRY
fallee FALL
maker MAKE
made thing MAKE
making material MAKE
receiver GET
received thing GET
receiving source GET
wanter WANT
wanted thing WANT
leaving goal LEAVE
laughed-about thing LAUGH
playing partner PLAY
assassinee ASSASSINATE
assassination instrument ASSASSINATE
cleaner CLEAN
cleaned thing CLEAN
rememberer REMEMBER
remembered thing REMEMBER
hunter HUNT (FOR)
hunted thing HUNT (FOR)
clothes DRESS
shaving instrument SHAVE (a body part/person)
musical instrument PLAY
pouring source POUR
cover-beneficiary COVER
dreamer DREAM
dream(t-of thing) DREAM
sick feeling person FEEL SICK
proposer PROPOSE (a marriage)
proposed to person PROPOSE (a marriage)
capsizing entity CAPSIZE
stumbling person STUMBLE
roller ROLL
laugh causer LAUGH
sickness causer BE ILL
sink-(caus)er SINK
scream causer SCREAM
give causer GIVE
help causer HELP
tear causer TEAR
steal causer STEAL
wipe beneficiary WIPE
cut beneficiary CUT
cover causer COVER
eating instrument EAT
cooking instrument COOK
washing instrument WASH
digging instrument DIG
pour beneficiary POUR
throw beneficiary THROW
carry beneficiary CARRY
push beneficiary PUSH
load beneficiary LOAD
put beneficiary PUT
name/say addressee NAME
beat beneficiary BEAT
grind beneficiary GRIND
peel beneficiary PEEL
dig beneficiary DIG
follow instrument FOLLOW
follow beneficiary FOLLOW
search beneficiary SEARCH FOR
think beneficiary THINK
think causer THINK
eat beneficiary EAT
wash beneficiary WASH
wash causer WASH
climb beneficiary CLIMB
climb causer CLIMB
song SING
sing causer SING
sung-to person SING
tie beneficiary TIE
tie causer TIE
frighten beneficiary FRIGHTEN
want beneficiary WANT
want causer WANT
make beneficiary MAKE
build beneficiary BUILD
make causer MAKE
build causer BUILD
break maleficiary BREAK
break causer BREAK
show causer SHOW
hit causer HIT
beat causer BEAT
bring causer BRING
grind causer GRIND
smell causer SMELL
cried after/for person CRY
cry causer CRY
fall causer FALL
appear beneficiary APPEAR
jump beneficiary JUMP
jump causer JUMP
play causer PLAY
shout causer SHOUT AT
cook causer COOK
tear instrument TEAR
look instrument LOOK AT
look causer LOOK AT
climb instrument CLIMB
frightening thing/instr. FRIGHTEN
hear instrument HEAR
hear causer HEAR
affliction/disease BE ILL
killer/death causer DIE
cause of death DIE
carry instrument CARRY
push instrument PUSH
throw causer THROW
teach causer TEACH
fall instrument FALL
hide causer HIDE
touch causer TOUCH
wipe causer WIPE
cutting causer CUT
tell causer TELL
ask for causer ASK FOR
talk causer TALK
peel causer PEEL
dig causer DIG
take causer TAKE
fear causer FEAR
like causer LIKE
follow causer FOLLOW
hug causer HUG
search causer SEARCH FOR
eat causer/feeder EAT
scare causer FRIGHTEN
shouted words SHOUT AT
toy PLAY
jump instrument JUMP
appear causer APPEAR
sadness causer BE SAD
say causer SAY
sit down causer SIT DOWN
sit causer SIT
pour causer POUR
running place RUN
rolling location ROLL
run causer RUN
rain goal RAIN
jump location JUMP
play location PLAY
blink causer BLINK
cough causer COUGH
boiler BOIL
burner BURN
drier / dry causer BE DRY
pain causer FEEL PAIN
chill causer FEEL COLD
hunger causer BE HUNGRY
know causer KNOW
see causer SEE
meet causer MEET
fill causer FILL
carry causer CARRY
push causer PUSH
load causer LOAD
put causer PUT
shave causer SHAVE (a body part/person)
thought (abstract) THINK
live causer LIVE
tearing place TEAR
wipe goal WIPE
cutting goal/place CUT
digging place DIG
taken from place TAKE
eat location EAT
wash location WASH
break location BREAK
make location MAKE
building location BUILD
screamed at person SCREAM
fall goal FALL
appear location APPEAR
winked at person BLINK
meet location MEET
coughed at person/bodypart COUGH
run goal RUN
marrying person MARRY
married person MARRY
caller CALL
called to/for person CALL
game PLAY
learner LEARN
learned thing LEARN
leave causer LEAVE
coming person/thing COME (2)
come source COME (2)
come goal COME (2)
dress/clothing BE A DRESS
searched entity SEARCH FOR
search location SEARCH FOR
drowned thing/person DROWN
fall source FALL
fill beneficiary FILL
cook beneficiary COOK
killing beneficiary KILL
hiding beneficiary HIDE
life LIVE
laugh LAUGH
saddening thing BE SAD
dress causer DRESS
send causer SEND
longer LONG FOR
longed for person/thing LONG FOR
sayer (quotation) SAY (impersonal)
source of quotation SAY (impersonal)
presence known maker MAKE ONE'S PRESENCE KNOWN
needee BE NEEDED
sleepy head FEEL SLEEPY
cough origin COUGH
coughed up thing COUGH
name causer NAME
go causer GO
marry causer MARRY
take to goal TAKE
met obstacle/thing MEET
hit location HIT
speaker SPEAK
cold thing BE COLD
Q asker ASK (a question)
Q asked person ASK (a question)
kill causer KILL
hunt causer HUNT (FOR)
roll causer ROLL
dug hole/ground DIG
shaved person SHAVE (a body part/person)
out driver DRIVE OUT
driven out thing/person DRIVE OUT
shave beneficiary SHAVE (a body part/person)
look beneficiary LOOK AT
search instrument SEARCH FOR
peel instrument PEEL
wipe instrument WIPE
cover instrument COVER
rolling goal ROLL
grinding location GRIND
dying location DIE
run from source RUN
sink location SINK
spoken to person SPEAK
Q ASK (a question)
rain causer RAIN
hiding instrument HIDE
bringing instrument BRING
assassination causer ASSASSINATE
receive causer GET
come causer COME (2)
run distance RUN
jumped over (obstacle) JUMP
obtainer GET (= obtain)
obtained thing GET (= obtain)
sickness locus BE ILL
comer COME
coming goal COME
dresser BE A DRESS
fire BURN
burner (tr) BURN (tr)
burnt thing (tr) BURN (tr)
hungry person (tr) MAKE HUNGRY
hunger causer (tr) MAKE HUNGRY
sick person (tr) MAKE SICK
sickness causer (tr) MAKE SICK
drier (tr) DRY
dry thing (tr) DRY
appearer (tr) MAKE APPEAR
appear causer (tr) MAKE APPEAR
feller FELL
fellee FELL
dropper DROP
dropped thing DROP
gone with thing GO
seater SEAT
seatee SEAT
seating place SEAT
reader READ
read thing READ
doer DO
done thing DO
drinking person DRINK
drunken thing DRINK
run causer (tr) MAKE RUN
runner (tr) MAKE RUN
burn instrument (tr) BURN (tr)
burn causer (tr) BURN (tr)
sink-(caus)er (tr) SINK (tr)
sunken entity (tr) SINK (tr)
boiler (tr) BOIL (tr)
boiled thing (tr) BOIL (tr)
boiling causer (tr) BOIL (tr)
roller (tr) ROLL (tr)
rolling thing (tr) ROLL (tr)
rolling goal (tr) ROLL (tr)
rolling location (tr) ROLL (tr)
roll causer (tr) ROLL (tr)
offerer OFFER
offering OFFER
offered to person OFFER
asking (about) person ASK (about)
asked (about) thing ASK (about)
askee (about) ASK (about)
birth giver GIVE BIRTH
born entity GIVE BIRTH
twinkler TWINKLE
chaser CHASE
chasee CHASE
cramer CRAM
crammed thing CRAM
crammed location CRAM
closer CLOSE
closed thing CLOSE
closing instrument CLOSE
refuser REFUSE
refusee REFUSE
refused thing REFUSE
crosser CROSS
crossed place CROSS
comming person COME (1)
remainer REMAIN
remaining place REMAIN
winker WINK
winkee WINK
enterer ENTER
entered place ENTER
resting person REST
cleaned away material CLEAN
said thing (quotation) SAY (impersonal)
capsizing causer CAPSIZE
deserver DESERVE
deserved thing DESERVE
burdened person BE BURDENED
intuition haver HAVE AN INTUITION
intuition topic HAVE AN INTUITION
gladdened entity BE GLAD
well going entity GO WELL
well going beneficiary GO WELL
settler SETTLE
settling place SETTLE
excited entity GET EXCITED
untrue entity BE FAR FROM THE TRUTH
boiling beneficiary (tr) BOIL (tr)
cleaning causer CLEAN
chasing location CHASE
running opponent RUN
climb maker MAKE CLIMB
make climbing entity MAKE CLIMB
make climbing goal MAKE CLIMB
hurter HURT
hurt locus HURT
name carrier BE NAMED
name (intr.) BE NAMED
laugher (tr.) LAUGH ABOUT
laughed-about thing (tr.) LAUGH ABOUT
sad person (about) BE SAD ABOUT
sad about thing BE SAD ABOUT
crying person CRY ABOUT
cryed about thing CRY ABOUT
coughing person COUGH AT
coughed at entity COUGH AT
jumping person JUMP OVER
jumped over entity JUMP OVER
rain source RAIN
stealing source 2 STEAL
sinking instrument SINK (tr)
bright entity BE BRIGHT
screamed content SCREAM
listener LISTEN
listened to sound LISTEN
causer of brightness BE BRIGHT
listening causer LISTEN
sinking causer (tr) SINK (tr)
hiding place HIDE
getting dressed person GET DRESSED
get dressed causer GET DRESSED
shaver (of self) SHAVE (self)
shaving instrument (for self) SHAVE (self)
shave (self) causer SHAVE (self)
shave (self) body part SHAVE (self)