Typical context The boy threw the ball into the window.
Microroles thrower, thrown thing, throwing goal, throw beneficiary, throw causer

Verb forms 10

Language Verb form Basic Coding frame
English throw 1-nom > V.subj[1] > 2-acc > LOC3
Russian brositʹ 1-nom V.subj[1] 2-acc LOC3
German werfen 1-nom V.subj[1] 2-acc LOC3
Italian lanciare 1 > V.subj[1] > 2 (> LOC3)
Hokkaido Japanese nage-ru 1-nom 2-dat 3-acc V
Eastern Armenian netel 1-nom 2-nomdat LOC3 V.subj[1]
Icelandic kasta 1-nom V.agr[1] 2-dat LOC3
Mandarin Chinese rēng 1 > V > 2
Gothic wairpan 1-nom V.subj[1] 2-acc (in 3-acc)
Latin iaciō 1-nom 2-acc V.subj[1]